#google cloud
Google Photos to end free storage on June 1st, 2021
Desk -
Google after five years of providing free and unlimited on-cloud storage services to its users announced on Wednesday that all new photos or videos uploaded over Google Photos after June 1st, 2021 will count towards the 15GB cap. Google...
Oracle is hiring 2000 people for its cloud division, after massive laying off this year
Oracle Corporation; American multinational computer Technology Corporation has announced on 8th October 2019 that it would be hiring 2,000 people for its cloud business. It is 1.5% of its overall workforce of 1,39,000 employees. Why Oracle laid off massive jobs...
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Top Wearable Devices for Diabetics
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes Coping with diabetes can feel like a never-ending struggle, but thanks to recent advances in...